Passion. Integrity. Commitment.
The LCIC Governance Team is the college's principal governing body.
Each trustee is hand-picked to assume the all-important role of ensuring that the academic and administrative leadership of the college abides by the sound policies and practices of today’s leading private educational corporations.
They work to ensure the harmonious balance of needs and capabilities of an international standard tertiary educational facility, faculty, and staff while aligning them with the expectations of the students, the parents, the host community, and partner institutions that help provide training and potential placement.
In the Governance Committee’s capable hands lies the success of future generations of LCIC graduates along with the well-being and prestige of the institution.
Professor Grace R. Gorospe - Jamon, PhD
Member, Board of Directors / President
Professor Grace Gorospe-Jamon holds a Doctorate degree in Political Science, a Master of Arts as well as a Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Political Science from the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City.
Grace built a career in education spanning 40 years in various roles, from a member of faculty right up to director of the premier state university’s extension program.
As a university professor, she consistently topped the university’s annual Student Evaluation of Teachers (SET), mentoring and advising a generation of doctoral, masters, and undergraduate students. As director of the state university’s extension program, she implemented many internationally funded extension program partnerships with the UN and various international private social enterprise groups.
She has been a public policy advocate as fellow and mentor at the Asia Foundation and the Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy.

Professor Grace R. Gorospe - Jamon, PhD
Member, Board of Directors / President
Professor Grace Gorospe-Jamon holds a Doctorate degree in Political Science, a Master of Arts as well as a Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Political Science from the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City.
Grace built a career in education spanning 40 years in various roles, from a member of faculty right up to director of the premier state university’s extension program.

As a university professor, she consistently topped the university’s annual Student Evaluation of Teachers (SET), mentoring and advising a generation of doctoral, masters, and undergraduate students. As director of the state university’s extension program, she implemented many internationally funded extension program partnerships with the UN and various international private social enterprise groups.
She has been a public policy advocate as fellow and mentor at the Asia Foundation and the Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy.

Mr. Ericson M. Marquez
Chairman of the Board
Mr. Ericson Marquez obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the U.P. College of Business Administration, now named the U.P. Virata School of Business (UPVSB).
Eric began his career in the banking sector then shifted to the shipping industry when he joined the family owned Virjen Shipping Corporation, regarded as a pioneer in the Philippine Seafaring industry.
He also led three major manning associations as President at different time intervals.
Under the umbrella organization of maritime and manning associations called the Joint Manning Group, Eric became a well-respected resource person in shipping conferences and fora as well as congressional hearings on legislation affecting seafarers.
Under his able stewardship, the Philippines gained recognition as the Ship Manning Capital of the world and a premier source of competent and professional seafarers.
He steadfastly advocates for maritime cadet sponsorship and shipboard employment for poor but deserving and qualified students. His programs provide training and career guidance for students from the time they enter maritime school until they become ship captains and chief engineers.
He seeks to continue the same advocacy for deserving scholars in their chosen fields of study at the Lapu-Lapu Cebu International College, and to pave the way for their gainful employment in countries like Japan where graduates can look forward to transforming their lives and their standard of living.

Mr. Ericson M. Marquez
Chairman of the Board
Mr. Ericson Marquez obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the U.P. College of Business Administration, now named the U.P. Virata School of Business (UPVSB).
Eric began his career in the banking sector then shifted to the shipping industry when he joined the family owned Virjen Shipping Corporation, regarded as a pioneer in the Philippine Seafaring industry.
He also led three major manning associations as President at different time intervals.
Under the umbrella organization of maritime and manning associations called the Joint Manning Group, Eric became a well-respected resource person in shipping conferences and fora as well as congressional hearings on legislation affecting seafarers.
Under his able stewardship, the Philippines gained recognition as the Ship Manning Capital of the world and a premier source of competent and professional seafarers.
He steadfastly advocates for maritime cadet sponsorship and shipboard employment for poor but deserving and qualified students. His programs provide training and career guidance for students from the time they enter maritime school until they become ship captains and chief engineers.
He seeks to continue the same advocacy for deserving scholars in their chosen fields of study at the Lapu-Lapu Cebu International College, and to pave the way for their gainful employment in countries like Japan where graduates can look forward to transforming their lives and their standard of living.
Capt. Joven Go-Od Vanguardia
Member, Board of Directors
Captain Joven Vanguardia is a Master Mariner with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation degree from the University of Cebu.
Joven spent 25 years in the shipping business, particularly in dry ships operations/management, human resource and manning supply. He gained a wide range of experience working in a multicultural environment onboard European, British, Dutch, Liberian, Bahaman and Panaman container, tanker and reefer ships, which helped him develop him keen administrative skills for complying with the international rules and regulations, IMO conventions and codes, Flag States and Class Rules, etc.
This knowledge and experience proved indispensable in running companies with respect to corporate matters, including taxation and government regulations.
Joven concurrently serves in various corporate positions as president, chairman, director and corporate treasurer in six different corporate boards based in Cebu.

Capt. Joven Go-Od Vanguardia
Member, Board of Directors
Captain Joven Vanguardia is a Master Mariner with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation degree from the University of Cebu.
Joven spent 25 years in the shipping business, particularly in dry ships operations/management, human resource and manning supply. He gained a wide range of experience working in a multicultural environment onboard European, British, Dutch, Liberian, Bahaman and Panaman container, tanker and reefer ships, which helped him develop him keen administrative skills for complying with the international rules and regulations, IMO conventions and codes, Flag States and Class Rules, etc.

This knowledge and experience proved indispensable in running companies with respect to corporate matters, including taxation and government regulations.
Joven concurrently serves in various corporate positions as president, chairman, director and corporate treasurer in six different corporate boards based in Cebu.

Capt. Gaudencio C. Morales
Member, Board of Directors
Captain Gaudencio “Jess” C. Morales holds a degree in Bachelor of Science in Maritime Transportation from the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy.
After almost two decades braving the high seas, Jess ventured into the ship manning business, establishing four manning agencies that provide employment to more than 4,000 Filipino seafarers.
A versatile entrepreneur, he also owns a land-based employment agency that has employed more than 2,000 OFWs worldwide along with two real-estate companies.
A passionate maritime industry advocate, Jess established the Integrated Seafarers of the Philippines in December 2013, benefiting its members nationwide. ISP works towards preparing seafarers in their post-seafaring career by training them in the areas of financial literacy and entrepreneurial activities.
For all his accomplishments, he received many industry accolades such as the Outstanding Achievement in Entrepreneurship Award, the Most Outstanding Achievement Award for OFW Sea based Sector, and the PRC Outstanding Professional of the Year Award.

Capt. Gaudencio C. Morales
Member, Board of Directors
Captain Gaudencio “Jess” C. Morales holds a degree in Bachelor of Science in Maritime Transportation from the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy.
After almost two decades braving the high seas, Jess ventured into the ship manning business, establishing four manning agencies that provide employment to more than 4,000 Filipino seafarers.
A versatile entrepreneur, he also owns a land-based employment agency that has employed more than 2,000 OFWs worldwide along with two real-estate companies.
A passionate maritime industry advocate, Jess established the Integrated Seafarers of the Philippines in December 2013, benefiting its members nationwide. ISP works towards preparing seafarers in their post-seafaring career by training them in the areas of financial literacy and entrepreneurial activities.
For all his accomplishments, he received many industry accolades such as the Outstanding Achievement in Entrepreneurship Award, the Most Outstanding Achievement Award for OFW Sea based Sector, and the PRC Outstanding Professional of the Year Award.